Introduction to Moodle

Moodle which stands for Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment is a Learning Management System(LMS) as well as a Course Management System(CMS).

Moodle was initiated by Martin Dougiamas as his PhD project. Now it is used by many universities, institutes and companies for various uses such as online courses, trainings, induction programs etc.

I will drive you through how to install Moodle, which is very easy and this post is targeting the beginners who do not have any experience in Moodle LMS.

First you have to download the Moodle package by visiting the link or from git.
There are two packages, Moodle Standard package and Windows/MacOS distribution.

Windows/MacOS is a standalone package which includes the xampp distribution which can be used as a web server locally in your machine. If you want to download the windows version go to and download the executable file. You can easily install by executing the executable file. But the source code cannot be modified in this package. This is only recommended for demo purposes.

If you want to deploy the moodle system in a server you must download the standard moodle package. This excludes the xampp package and have the complete set of moodle files required for any customization.

1.Download the latest stable version(.zip for windows).
2.The next important step is to copy the zip file into the server. You can use a FTP solution like FileZilla to copy files to server.
3.Then unzip the files using the following command(use putty).
4.Then rename the extracted folder to the name as you wish(ex: moodle)
5.Create the moodledata folder outside the public folder(This is due to security reasons).
6.Create a database with no tables(If you include any tables it will give an error in installation).
7.Then go to the location of your extracted folder(assume it is moodle) http://yourdomainname/moodle
8.This will direct you to the installation of moodle.
9.Give all the database details and moodledata folder path and proceed.
10.Automatically database tables will be installed and it will take some time to create all the tables depending on your server speed.
11.If the installation is successful you will be asked for the site name and administrator details.

If you have any issues when installing please do not hesitate to raise in the comments section.

8 thoughts on “Introduction to Moodle

  1. you have clearly shown the steps to setup moodle…if you could post some screenshots with the details, that would be awesome

  2. Sure, If you have any doubts on the steps you can raise. I will include screenshots for the next posts. Thanks for the feedback!! 🙂

  3. interesting and same time do explain how to install/configure in localhost as well. because sometimes localhost server like wamp or xampp, there you have to configure php extensions manually and sometimes outdated/bug fixed php extensions you have to do upgrade manually like copy paste .dll thingy. then only you can install moodle and pass server check option. so i guess that would be very helpful for beginners and if you could post some screenshots with the details that would be great. good work bro. keep it up.. waiting for your next post.

  4. Thanks! 🙂 Sure I found out that most people struggle to install locally. So the next post will be how to configure that in locally.

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